I have read and understood the code of conduct here and agree to it.
I confirm my child is physically fit and healthy and I will undertake to advise you of any change. I consider him/her capable of taking part in gymnastics. I have completed the section on medical details and give consent that in the event of any illness/accident any necessary treatment can be administered. If surgery is necessary this may include the use of anaesthetics.
In signing this agreement I declare that I am aware of the element of risk involved and while I accept that the coaches and event personnel will take precautions to prevent accidents, I understand that they may not be held responsible for loss, damage or injury to my child.
I confirm that my child is a current member of British Gymnastics or that they will have British Gymnastics membership within 3 weeks of starting at Brentford Gymnastics Club.
I am aware that photographs and video footage may be taken during the event for coaching and promotional purpose. I consent for my son/daughter to appear in photographs. I understand that no personal information will be displayed with the image.
I give permission for Brentford Gymnastics Club to display gymnastic photographs of my son/daughter on the club website (www.brentfordgymnasticsclub.com), the club's Facebook and Instagram page.